Thursday, July 12, 2007

Remote Control of Your PC Via the Web

Control a remot pc over the net without worrying about hackers
Remote Control of Your PC Via the Web
You'll never have to go back to work just to get a forgotten file
When you are in your office or not in your home , its helpful to have access to your home pc , so you can get your forgotten fire so you can downloaded or perform any task you need in your computer , the same if your in home and need to access to your computer in the work . there a lot of programs that let you to enter but rare good programs to enter your pc by graphical user interface ,.
Imagine that you are out of the town on business for meeting and you found that you forget critical file you want and you want now there are to ways the easy way and the hard way . the hard one is to go back to get the file . the other is to get remote access to your pc and get the file . so all you need is Bomgar software .
Bomgar is secure and easy way to access your computer from any browser equipped computer anywhere in the world . once your computer is enabled , you can access it at any time from any where by logging to bomgar website . you have full control of the computer and all files . programs and network resources available on the machine. You are simply working on your pc as if you ware setting in front of it even though you may be thousand of miles away
This makes telecommuting, working from home and keeping up while traveling much easier than its ever been before. You can work on your computer remotely or move files between the computer you’re using and the one you’re accessing. Unlike conventional remote control software or VPN solutions (virtual private networks), BOMGAR doesn’t require you to fiddle with port settings, IP addresses or complicated software and hardware installations. Setup takes only 2 minutes. And it even works behind corporate firewalls.

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